Real and proven ways to enlarge your penis at home

Is it possible to enlarge the penis at home? This question has been asked by many men for a long time. Once upon a time in ancient Greece there was a cult of Priapus, a deity with a very long penis. Probably for this reason, a disease in which a man grows an excessively large penis is called priapism. Today the standard of beauty is the phallus, which is much larger than the average.

Some males want to enlarge their penis for the sake of interest, while others intend to solve this problem by any means without lying down on the operating table.

TOP 10 best penis enlargement methods at home

the 10 best penis enlargement methods

There are several options for penis enlargement at home. All the methods listed below are primarily aimed at changing the length of the phallus upward. The stretching of the organ occurs due to the stretching and blood filling of the tissues.

The most popular methods are:

  1. Folk methods (soda).
  2. Exercises (jelqing, suspended weights).
  3. Vacuum pumps, extenders.
  4. Massage.
  5. Gel, cream, ointment, spray.
  6. Pills.
  7. Nozzles.
  8. Hormones.
  9. Food and herbs.

Each method requires special attention. Otherwise, the man risks injuring his penis.

Folk remedies

Every generation of men has come up with new ways to enlarge the penis. The most popular method is baking soda, which has a short-term effect. To do this, you need to take a soda bath and immerse a member in it. The procedure is carried out an hour before intimacy.

In the process of immersing the organ in a soda bath, the penis should be in a calm state, without an erection.

soda for penis enlargement

In some cases, soda is used in the form of compresses. The powder is mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and then applied to the penis along its entire length. The dough is distributed evenly along the barrel, avoiding contact with the head. Otherwise, baking soda can cause itching, burning, and irritation. In addition, there is a risk of organ injury.

There is another method of using baking soda. To enlarge the penis, a man should take a warm bath and then dry the penis thoroughly with a towel. After that, the trunk is coated with vegetable oil and sprinkled with soda along its entire length. Then, using a sponge, soda is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements, but not more than 5 minutes. 2 minutes after the completion of the procedure, the organ is washed with warm water.

After completing the procedure, the man may feel a slight burning sensation and see redness. In this case, the penis must be lubricated with baby cream.

Instead of baking soda to enlarge the penis, men can use aloe juice and horse chestnut tincture.


There are the following exercises to enlarge the reproductive organ:

  • suspended loads;
  • elongation;
  • jelqing.

A man can choose the right one for himself.



jelqing for penis enlargement

Jelqing is a penis enlargement technique that aims to fill the corpora cavernosa of the organ with blood. Exercises are performed both dry and wet, i. e. with or without lubrication.

To do the exercise, you need to achieve an incomplete erection and grab the penis at the base, making a ring from the index and thumb. After that, the penis is tightly squeezed for 2-4 seconds, running the fingers over the head. Then you should intercept the base with the other hand and repeat the exercise.

penis enlargement massage

Suspension of loads

suspended weights for penis enlargement

Suspension of weights is the oldest method of penis enlargement. Hanging is dangerous, if the actions are performed incorrectly, the organ can be seriously injured.

The first step is to take a regular rope and twist it into a ring. After that, the ring is placed on the head of the penis, additionally fixing it with an adhesive plaster. Then a load is suspended from the rope and they continue to do the housework.

If you experience severe pain, stop acting immediately.


Today on the intimate product market there are many innovative devices that allow you to enlarge your penis quickly and safely. Each category of devices contains different models of different shapes and sizes, so each man will choose something suitable for himself.

water pump

The vacuum pump is the most popular male enhancement device. Its principle of action is based on the formation of a vacuum around an organ immersed in a pump. Under the influence of pressure, the penis begins to increase in size. Along with this, there is additional blood flow to the organ. The procedure takes at least half an hour. In addition, by using a vacuum pump, it is possible to slightly increase the width of the penis.

penis enlargement pump


An extender is a device that stretches the tissue in the penis, thereby stretching it. The apparatus not only stretches the organ, but also contributes to its thickening.

penis enlargement extender


Attachments are a temporary enlargement agent. The attachment is put on the organ before having sex and is eventually removed. The main advantage of attachment is that it instantly increases the size of the phallus.

penis enlargement attachments


Massage that enlarges the penis is also common among the male population.

The massage can be directed not only to the enlargement of the trunk, but also to the head.

Hand massage is the most effective method of penis enlargement. First of all, the organ is covered with lubricant along its entire length, then it is injected into an excited state. The penis is tightly wrapped with the hands and begins to make translation movements, moving from the shaft to the head. Subsequently, the foreskin is lowered and returned to its place. Exercises are repeated at least 60 times in one direction. The procedure takes about 30 minutes.

To enlarge the head, another exercise is performed. The penis is firmly squeezed at the base and, pressing on it, directs the blood to the head. The massage is performed at a slow pace, pausing for a few seconds at the head.

Creams, ointments and gels

penis enlargement creams and ointments

Creams, ointments and gels are conventionally divided into 3 categories:

  • auxiliary;
  • short term;
  • long term.

Short-term remedies work for 2-3 hours, so they are used immediately before sexual intercourse. Long-term creams help to enlarge the penis for up to a month, after which their effect disappears. To prolong the effect, the cream is applied regularly.

Supporting gels and ointments work exclusively with other augmentation methods.

Medicines, herbs and homeopathy

All drugs to increase male dignity are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the tissues. Various herbs, hormones, pills and dietary supplements modify the size of the penis, as well as provide a longer erection and increase male libido.

Regardless of what drug a man wants to use, it should be prescribed by an andrologist or urologist.

Side effects and risks

Each of the above augmentation methods carries side effects and risks. If a man chooses the wrong herb or drug for himself, this can lead to an allergic reaction or tissue burns.

If a person does a lot of exercises or massages, as well as improper use of the pump and extender, there is a chance of earning a hematoma or injury to the penis. In any case, you shouldn't forget the safety precautions.


Any man can choose a convenient way to enlarge his penis, but his decision must be deliberate. Scientists have long proven that the size of manhood does not affect the quality of sex in any way. Also, a large car can cause a girl discomfort and pain.